
by inlingua Dresden

inlingua Dresden provides experienced interpreters for your events.

  • guiding: guided tours, factory tours
  • negotiation: meetings, presentations, negotiations
  • conference: symposia, conventions, expert  conferences

Basic kinds of interpreting

There are four basic kinds of Interpreting:

The Interpreter sits in a soundproof room and translates as the speaker speaks. Simultaneous translation should be used for larger events, conferences, involving two or more languages, as well as at congresses where a time delay could cause problems. As this kind of translating requires high levels of concentration it is necessary that the interpreter is replaced after approximately 20 minutes. This means that an appropriate number of interpreters must be available to carry out an assignment.  

Consecutive interpreting means a translation is provided shortly after the original text and is appropriate for shorter speeches and addresses (e.g. dinner speeches) or for negotiations, in which the presence of a translator can be especially valuable.  When using consecutive interpreting the length of an event can be double as long per language as with simultaneous interpreting.

In Whispered Interpreting the interpreter translates at the same time as the speaker and does not require any special equipment.  This kind of interpreting is suitable for very small groups (e.g. Factory Tours), but is, however, no substitute for simultaneous interpreting as the original speaker and the interpreter speak at the same time.  This can lead to some unavoidable disturbance.  As whispered interpreting requires as much, if not more, concentration as simultaneous interpreting, it is necessary to have two interpreters present per language. 

In negotiation interpreting short text passages are translated with a short time delay during a discussion.

Informationen zu Dolmetscheinsätzen


Our translation and interpreter service are happy to make you an offer.  Please contact us between 8am and 8pm by telephone, 0351 / 494 6-0 or via  E-Mail.

Feel free to use our contact form to send us a message.